Fotógrafo banido do UFC pede desculpas a Cris Cyborg

Mark Aragon está impedido de fazer novas coberturas do UFC por chamar brasileira de homem

JC Online
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JC Online
Publicado em 04/01/2018 às 11:42
Mark Aragon está impedido de fazer novas coberturas do UFC por chamar brasileira de homem - FOTO: UFC/Divulgação

O fotógrafo Mark Aragon usou a mesma rede social em que chamou Cris Cyborg de homem para se desculpar com a brasileira. Via Instagram, ele se disse envergonhado pela atitude e pediu sinceras desculpas à lutadora, aos seus fãs e familiares. Aragon insultou a campeã do peso-pena (até 66 kg) depois que ela venceu, por decisão unânime dos árbitros, a desafiante Holly Holm no UFC 219. O profissional estava cobrindo o evento pela equipe da norte-americana e, após o episódio, foi banido pelo UFC.

Antes de pedir desculpas, porém, ele voltou a repetir o que já tinha sido divulgado pela empresa Jackson Wink MMA para justificar o porquê de Aragon ter chamado Cyborg de homem. O profissional narrou que, na volta da luta, pegou o mesmo ônibus da brasileira e sua equipe e os ouviu xingando e desdenhando da atuação de Holly Holm.

"Dito isto, estou envergonhado das minhas ações e sinceramente peço desculpas a Cris Cyborg e seu amigos, fãs e, ainda mais importante, seus familiares por ter postado aquela mensagem feia e errada sobre uma grande campeã. Também me desculpo perante os membros do time Jackson Wink que foram afetados pelo post", finalizou.


Ainda assim, ele continuou a ser hostilizado na rede social por diversos fãs de Cris Cyborg. O post inicial feito após o UFC 219 foi apagado pelo profissional. Antes disso, porém, Cyborg salvou a imagem e a utilizou para cobrar desculpas do fotógrafo e uma atitude do UFC. 


As the most hated photographer in the world today, I feel its necessary to comment on the recent fall out I’m causing for both Hollys and Cyborgs camps, and their respectful friends, fans, and families. At the conclusion of UFC 219, I took the final bus out of the arena back to the hotel and ended up on the same bus as Cris Cyborg and her team. As I sat in the back I began to hear them cheer and revel in their victory and discuss small parts of the event. A couple things really bothered me. I heard them laughing and commenting on a picture that renowned photographer Esther Lin took of Cyborgs toes literally in Hollys eye from a kick. Cyborg then went on to discuss how during clinches “the bitch” just “stayed and hugged her but she did nothing”. When I got back to the hotel I posted a picture with an inappropriate caption that everyone is now talking about. I was obviously acting out of anger and frustration. My personal emotions got in the way of my professional status which I failed to adhere to. But there is more to it, Cyborg leading up to the fight through her own Social Media accounts accused Holly and our camp of being the most drug failed camp ever. This is a totally fabricated lie and can’t be based on any merit whatsoever. Only one CURRENT athlete from our camp has ever been punished for USADA related issues and I was extremely frustrated with the perception that Cyborg and her fans had painted us as cheaters and losers.  Jackson Wink had over 60 UFC fights throughout the world and hundreds of other fighters fighting all around the world at many different organizations. Every fighter has their home team based out of whatever country or state they hail from and come here for training, some of them with their own teams. We absolutely can’t be responsible for each and every one of their daily activities. That being said I am embarrassed by my actions and I sincerely apologize to @criscyborg and her friends, fans, and most importantly her family for posting such an ugly misrepresentation of a great hard earned championship retention. I also want to apologize to the members of team Jacksonwink who were effected by that insincere post.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Mark A. Aragon (@ma2_media) em

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